Instant Pot Cheesy Ground Beef and Noodles is an easy pressure cooker dinner recipe using hamburger meat and egg noodles loaded with mozzarella and cheddar...
Instant Pot Cheesy Ground Beef and Rice is an easy dinner recipe perfect for weeknights. This Instant Pot rice dish is loaded with ground beef, corn, mozzarella...
Instant Pot Cheesy Tortellini with Chicken and Broccoli is a delicious pressure cooker pasta recipe loaded with chunks of chicken breast and broccoli florets...
Instant Pot Bacon Cheeseburger Rice is a delicious pressure cooker dinner recipe using hamburger meat and loaded with long grain rice, crumbled bacon and...
Instant Pot Grape Jelly Meatballs are the perfect party food. These tasty meatballs are coated in Welsh's Grape Jelly and Sweet Baby Ray's Hickory and...
Instant Pot Corned Beef is amazing! So easy, quicker and healthier than boiling this St. Patrick's Day Holiday favorite. And the Flavor!! All the spice...
Instant Pot Buffalo Ranch Dip using Chicken Breast really is an amazing treat Creamy, Spicy and Cheesy with the Buffalo Flavor This really is a perfect...
A homely, traditional British dish which is a perfect one pot meal especially on cold days. Plus it's so easy as you make the mince and the mash at the...
Our Best Instant Pot Recipes (and Easy Pressure Cooker Meals) from Around the Globe! PLUS a simple recipe for BROTHY BEANS! Make a batch on Sunday for...
Instant Pot Ham and Beans are incredibly simple and there is no soaking required! Beans, water, salt, pepper, and ham are all you need to make this easy...
Instant Pot Mediterranean Pasta Chicken is an easy weeknight chicken dinner ready in under an hour with almost no work.Put together this fast delicious...
The best instant pot Red Lentil Soup with lemon! It is healthy and easy to make in a pressure cooker. Loaded with red lentil, lemon juice, carrom seeds,...